Week 7 // Universa rocks in Asia
Hello everyone,
After two days of 22 working hours each, my body capitulate peacefully near the opened laptop because of the intenseness and jet lag.
😃 That’s why, the report is delayed for a day and only today I have an hour before flying back to Europe to sum up the results of the last week.
During the International Economic Forum in Davos, Universa massively gripped the attention of television and the press with ideas of the blockchain economy.
Interview with RT America (en): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxXr_t5f84c
The full version of the show is available at: https://www.rt.com/shows/boom-bust/
Interview with RBC TV (ru): http://tv.rbc.ru/archive/chez/5a676eae9a7947554454a766
Comment from Davos for NTV (ru): http://m.ntv.ru/novosti/1974382/
Comment for Russia Today: https://www.rt.com/business/416826-ntional-cryptocurrencies-challenge-bitcoin/
Comment for Russia Today (international edition): https://russian.rt.com/nopolitics/news/473536-osnovatel-universa-blockchein-rossia
Comment on the air of Radio Sputnik in English (world audience on the Internet + FM-broadcasting in Washington, DC), as well as on the website: https://sputniknews.com/analysis/201801231061007799-bitcoin-digital-gold-continue-grow/
Comment for Rossiyskaya Gazeta (Russian newspaper) (printed version and website): https://rg.ru/2018/01/23/chto-ozhidaet-rynok-kriptovaliut-v-2018-godu.html
After the news about cooperation with EY, there were six publications, including: CRN / RE, IB-Bank.ru, NNIT, ITRN:
- http://www.ey.com/ru/en/newsroom/news-releases/ey-news-ey-and-universa-blockchain-platform-become-partners
- https://bitmakler.com/kompaniya-ey-i-blokcheyn-universa-stali-partnerami__news_221971
Returning from Davos, the Universa team had a strategic session in Vilnius to be kept up to date of the latest news, plans, goals and methods that Universa will implement to steal its market share on the global market.
In a couple of weeks, we’ll transfer the results of strategic session to the updated roadmap.
Shanghai // China
In Shanghai, the official delegation of Universa met with the government of BaoShan District and agreed on the state support and co-promotion of the blockchain infrastructure in companies of Shanghai.
Agreed upon the partnership with the Shanghai Institute of Commercial Development and the launch of the blockchain education program and blockchain software development. We’ve opened the enrolment to first class.
Universa Blockchain based working group was established in Shanghai.
Kuala Lumpur // Malaysia
In Malaysia, the official delegation of Universa met with the Deputy Minister of Communications and Innovation and agreed to open Universa.Malaysia with tax exemption and all-round support from the government.
According to the agreements reached in the city of Malaka, the Blockchain Academy will be organized, which from April will begin to train and certify the blockchain specialists.
Negotiations were held with representatives of the largest companies of the country.
An interview given to the largest English-language newspaper in Malaysia Star
Blockchain and node
- implemented a large number of stress tests and tests against hacking and transactions unsynchronization in the payment mode. The tests revealed a lot of problems, we are working on fixing them
- published the current results on GitHub in the payment branch, so that everyone could see what we are working on
- fixed profile update
- fixed error handling for all asynchronous requests
- common helper for file upload
- helpers for a contact/chat search by attribute
- added hooks for notary/DRM contract
- error handling for embed helpers working with nicknames
- We sent the next tranche of UTNP to those who successfully passed KYC
- Made a public release of the UTNP contract for GitHub https://github.com/UniversaBlockchain/utnp
- Made a java-tool for bulk transfer utnp at a lower price
- A series of fixes in mobile clients, preparing applications for beta testing
- held preliminary negotiations and development of the blockchain for the Alfabank, deploying a testnet and demo app for performance measurements.
P.S. On the Cobinhood took a vote and Universa won a contest for a token, which will be added to the stock exchange on February 8. https://medium.com/cobinhood/week-2-february-2018-cobinhood-token-listing-schedule-6f16c1199a3d
P.P.S Revelations of our hayters — https://t.me/UniversaTokens
We are always happy to answer your questions in the Telegram channel — t.me/uplatform (EN) and t.me/universa (RU).
Follow the news in t.me/UniversaNews (EN) and t.me/UniversaNewsRu (RU).
Sincerely your Paranoid CEO, Alexander Borodich